My Motion
Warmest wishes for a happy, healthy and prosperous life from me. My aspiration is to be accepted as the friendly real estate
partner by one and all in this great community - especially yourself. If you do not currently have a personal property realtor,
I will be pleased to take on this role and assist with your real estate needs. Thank You.
My Business Philosophy
As your broker, my aim is to get you the best value for your dollar while making the sale or purchase of your home as convenient
as possible.My client's satisfaction is my first priority and I'll give you my best service differently. In short, you come
My Vital Statistics
WIMBORNE REALTY: Associate (1994) Associate Manager(1996) Senior Associate Manager(1997)
Graduated: S'pore Institute of Surveyors & Valuers(SISV) National Institute of Commence(NIC)
Institute of Estate Agents(IEA) IEA Continuous Development Program Professional Indemnity Insurance Schemne
Top 10 Producers 1997, 1998, 1999. Certified Real Estate Agent(CEA)2000
Attended: National Realtor Seminer
1999 National Realtor Seminer 2000 IEA Y2k Conference 2000

Hobby: Cars, Bmw.sg, Snooker, Music, Travelling and Meeting people.